
We are a club run entirely by volunteers and a board of volunteers that helps guide coaches, shape programs, manage the budget and keep things moving along each season. It’s a fun group of people who really love the club.

The Cudas board is compromised of 6-12 members. Positions are elected each year at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in September each year. Directors are elected to 2-year terms with half the positions elected in even years and the other half is elected in odd years.

Below is a description of the positions.

  • Responsible for the overall operations of the club. All Executive members report to the President.
  • Responsible for chairing the Executive meetings.
  • Attends B.C.S.S.A., meetings and represents the club with the City of Burnaby.
  • Responsible for booking all pool times including time for practices, maintenance clinics, swim meets, water polo tournaments and dive meets.
  • Leads the executive, including the head coaches in discussions about swim, water polo & dive programming and competitions the club will participate in each year.
  • Supports the President and steps into the President role should the President be unable to be present for meetings, votes & discussions.
  • Co-chair of Coaches Hiring Committee.
  • Organizes the swim meets, which we host.
  • Holds the position of Meet Manager (unless delegated), at the swim meets, which we host.
  • Performs and maintains all written correspondence for the Club.
  • Maintains all club records.
  • Files all documentation needed under the Societies Act in order to maintain our status as a non-profit organization.
  • Maintains club finances, including books of account necessary to comply with the Societies Act.
  • Prepares two financial reports.
  • Checks and pays all accounts.
  • Provides financial report at each executive meeting.
  • Publishes initial and updated membership list on an ongoing basis.
  • Maintains registration records for the club.
  • Provides registration records to the Simon Fraser Region and to B.C.S.S.A.
  • Collects registration fees for those who pay by cheque.
  • Maintains and updates the inventory of the club’s equipment.
  • Organizes & maintains the club’s storage shed.
  • Makes recommendations to the board regarding the service, repair and acquisition of equipment.
  • Supervises the dispatch and use of the club’s equipment.
  • Other tasks as determined by the Directors.
  • Perform roles assigned by the Directors. Directors-at-Large perform roles such as Director of Officials, Director of Water Polo, Director of Fundraising, Director of Communications, Director of Volunteers & Social Committee. Directors-at-Large can also be elected to the board to learn a position of a retiring Director. Directors at large work on committees to assist the committee chairs complete projects and support programs and hiring.