
Cudas train primarily at Burnaby’s outdoor pools during the competitive summer season (May – August). All practices go ahead rain or shine. In the event of a cancelled practice, families will be informed by email and a notice will be posted to the website.

May – practices are at Central Park or Bonsor pools

June – practices are at Kensington and MacPherson pools

July – practices are at Kensington and MacPherson pools. Int / Sr training groups rotate between MacPherson and Kensington with occasional afternoon practices at Robert Burnaby Pool.

August – practices at Kensington or MacPherson pools


These are the time windows (Monday to Friday) when the club usually has pool time through the season. Each practice is for 60 – 90 minutes in the pool, with some additional time before/after for warm up/stretch.

Month Morning Afternoon Evening
May 6:00 – 7:30 am 5:00 – 7:00 pm
June 6:00 – 7:30 am 5:00 – 7:00 pm 7:00 – 8:00 pm
July – early August 6:00 – 8:30 am 5:00 – 6:00 pm 7:30 – 8:30 pm
August 6:30 – 8:30 am 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Junior Prep (Development) : 4-5 /wk (all afternoon practices)

Junior: 7 /wk (5 afternoon practices & 2 morning practices)

INT & SR: 8/ wk (5 afternoon practices & 3 morning practices)

Babies: 45 minutes practices 2x per week. One -month sessions are offered in June & July

Masters: M/W/F in June & July

Exact times and pool location depends on group placement. Please check the calendars for current practice schedule. Swimmers are not required to attend every practice; however it is highly recommended they attend a minimum of 60% of scheduled practices.

What to Bring

  • Swim Suit

  • Goggles

  • Water Bottle

  • Fins

  • Towel

  • Swim Cap – For long hair

  • Runners x Athletic clothing for warm up

  • Sunscreen

Training Expectations

Be a STAR:

S: Sportmanship – be a good sport! Have a good attitude. Follow the rules. Win with dignity and lose with grace. Be encouraging and remember to thank your coaches, officials & the volunteers.

T: Train – Attend practices regularly. Arrive 15 minutes early with all your equipment and gear. Help with pool set-up and take down. Be a good listener and try your best. Eat well and get lots of rest. Ask questions if you don’t understand.

A: Act Appropriately – play by the rules (this keeps competition fair & fun). Be a team player by listening to your coach and helping your teammates. Own your mistakes and learn from them (no making excuses or shifting blame). Enjoy your wins but don’t brag or gloat and make others feel bad for losing. Avoid trash talk (saying mean things about and to your opponents or others who have upset you).

R: Respect – be positive and polite. Say thank-you to the coaches, officials and other volunteers who are devoting time and effort to your club and the competitions. Encourage fans to be good sports too. Congratulate and encourage fellow competitors.

Deck Policy

Parents should not be on the pool deck during practices. It causes distractions to the swimmers and is also distracting to the coaches. If you need to communicate with the coach, feel free to do so before or after the practice. If you need to communicate with your swimmer, please get the coach’s attention and they will notify your swimmer. This should only occur in urgent situations.

Golden Kick Board

At each Friday practice, coaches will award a deserving swimmer with a Golden Kickboard to use for the week.

Here is what the coaches are looking for:

  • Great attendance
  • Outstanding effort at practices and meets
  • Helping out with pool set-up and take down before and after practices
  • Team spirit and encouragement